Biomek Method Launcher
Method Launcher is supplemental software for Biomek liquid handlers that provides a simplified user interface and utilities that move users quickly and accurately through setup to begin their method.
Method Launch Pad
Simplified control for maximum productivity
A simple user interface enables even novice users to harness the full power of Biomek liquid handlers.
- Organize your methods and easily initiate ready-to-run methods using the “app-style” launch screen.
- Print a summary of your method, labware needs and reagent concentrations for offline prep work.
- Control methods via a web browser from virtually anywhere you happen to be by using the DeckOptix™ Remote Monitoring system.
- Review various levels of method data directly in Method Launcher.
Guided Labware SetupProceed quickly and confidently by using our most advanced deck setup utilityGuided Labware Setup organizes details on labware and reagents, and leads you through setup, step-by-step.
DeckOptix™ Final Check (i-Series Liquid Handlers only)
Address potential problems before you start
Human error is a part of science. DeckOptix™ Final Check analyzes the deck for common setup errors and alerts you prior to the start of a run.
- Confirm labware is placed correctly on the automation deck.
- Verify use of the appropriate tip and plate types.
- Maximize walkaway time by avoiding method interruptions.
Watch: DeckOptix™ Final Check Video
Automated Liquid Handling Solutions
- Biomek i-Series Automated Workstations
- Echo Acoustic Liquid Handlers
- Biomek Echo One High-Throughput Genomics Bundled Solution
- Biomek NGeniuS Next Generation Library Prep System
- Biomek i5 Automated Workstation
- Biomek i7 Automated Workstation
- Echo 650 Series Acoustic Liquid Handlers
- Echo 525 Acoustic Liquid Handler
- Biomek Genomic Workstations
- Access Laboratory Workstation
- Access Dual Robot System
- Biomek 4000 Automated Liquid Handler
- Biomek NXᴾ Automated Workstation
- Biomek FXᴾ Automated Workstation
- Acoustic Liquid Handling Contact
- Biomek And Echo Together
- BIomek And Genomic Automated Solutions
- Echo Acoustic Liquid Handling Technology
- Echo Liquid Handlers for Regulated Laboratories
- Automated Next-Generation Sequencing Sample Preparation Methods
- NGS Workflow Automated Solutions
- Automated Nucleic Acid Sample Preparation Methods for Biomek i-Series Workstations
Liquid Handling Software
- Echo Software Applications
- Biomek Software
- Biomek Method Launcher
- Biomek PowerPack
- SAMI Process Management
- DART Software